Membranes | −APAP | +APAPa |
nmol/mg/min | ||
Untransfected | N.D. | N.D. |
r1A1-4 | N.D. | 0.007 |
r1A5-2 | N.D. | N.D. |
r1A6-1 | N.D. | 0.25 |
r1A7-3 | N.D. | 0.51 |
r1A8-1 | N.D. | 0.025 |
The membrane fractions prepared from the indicated clonal HEK cell lines were assayed for APAP UGT activity using an HPLC-based procedure. Assays contained 2.5 mM APAP and 3 mM UDP-glucuronic acid. The data represent the average of three determinations, with the standard deviation not exceeding 10%. The detection limit was 0.05 nmol/min/mg.
N.D., not detected.