Mass spectral data on imatinib and its metabolites in plasma, urine and feces Data are from LC-MS runs of isolated imatinib and metabolites. Components are listed in the order of elution. Proposed chemical structures are shown in Table 4: electrospray ionization, positive ion mode, upfront collision offset (cone voltage) of 30, 40, and 80 V (combined data), and single-stage mass separation. Some of the expected fragment ions may be missing because of low intensities and/or high background of coeluting endogenous components.



Observed Ions

Shift of M + H+ Ion Upon H/D Exchangeb
Frag. Ad
Frag. Bd
Frag. Cd
Frag. Dd
Frag. Ed
Additional Ions
m/z m/z
M20.0a U(P) 656 328.6 394 276 262 222 203 678e, 502e, 480f, 379 +7
M21.0 P(U) 670 335.7 394 276 262 222 217 692e, 516e, 494f, 379 +6
AFN911 F(P, U) 510 492 217 532e, 393, 392 (Frag. A-H2O), 364, 274 (Frag. B-H2O) +4
CGP74588 F(P, U) 480 240.6 462 394 276 262 222 203 502e, 379, 351, 290, 247 +4
M23.7 U 684 394 706e, 530e, 508f, 249 (Frag. E + H2O) +6
Imatinib F(P, U) 494 247.6 476 394 276 262 222 217 516e, 379, 351, 290, 247 +3
M25.6 U 670 394 217 516e, 494f +7
M27.6 U 684 394 231 706e, 530e, 508f +6
CGP72383 U(P) 510 255.6 492 410 217 532e, 392, 276 (Frag. B-O), 262 (Frag. C-O), 189 +3
APG049 F(P, U) 494 476 394 222 217 516e, 379, 290, 264, 235 (Frag. E + H2O) +4
M28.8 U 494 476 394 217 516e, 379 N.D.
M29.6 F(P, U) 508 490 394 276 262 222 231 530e, 480, 437, 423, 379, 203 +3
CGP71422 U(P, F) 510 255.6 394 276 262 532e, 450, 435, 423, 395, 393, 277 +2/+3g
APG050 F(P, U) 508 490 394 222 231 530e, 480, 379, 249 (Frag. E + H2O), 203 +3


448e, 380, 261
  • N.D., not determined. H/D exchange, hydrogen-deuterium exchange. Nomenclature of fragment ions of imatinib and its metabolites is illustrated as follows (imatinib as example):

    Embedded Image

  • a P, plasma, U, urine, F, feces; spectrum in the table obtained after isolation from the matrix in boldface; essentially same spectrum obtained after isolation from matrix/matrices in parentheses

  • b Equal to number of heteroatom-bound hydrogens in the neutral molecule plus one

  • c Measured exact mass in agreement with proposed structure

  • d In the case of glucuronides, Fragments A through E refer to the aglycone formed in the mass spectrometer by loss of anhydroglucuronic acid

  • e Sodium adduct

  • f Aglycone of M+H+

  • g Incomplete H/D exchange, same observation for authentic reference compound