Kinetic parameters of CA-4 glucuronidation in liver microsomes and UGT isoforms

Data are means ± S.E.

Protein SourceKmVmaxKiS50Hill CoefficientGoodness of Fit (R2)
μMnmol/min/mg proteinμMμMn
HLMa33.26 ± 2.9041.98 ± 1.661126 ± 185.50.99
UGT1A1b2.20 ± 0.31228.9 ± 88.50.78 ± 0.080.99
UGT1A3a46.48 ± 12.521.53 ± 0.23295.0 ± 94.40.92
UGT1A6b3.95 ± 0.1344.80 ± 3.541.61 ± 0.160.98
UGT1A9a6.98 ± 0.6512.78 ± 0.292271 ± 490.90.92
UGT2B7a4.95 ± 0.640.236 ± 0.0076761 ± 45410.90
UGT2B15a41.74 ± 12.370.067 ± 0.0092182 ± 19000.91
UGT2B17a47.16 ± 12.340.70 ± 0.091756 ± 11660.93
  • N.D., not determined because activity below limit of quantification was observed.

  • a Substrate inhibition model (eq. 2).

  • b Sigmoidal kinetic model (Hill equation) (eq. 3).