Metabolic pathway, apparent intrinsic clearance, and fm(AO) identified for 10 selected compounds and compared in two human hepatocyte batches

Metabolic pathways were confirmed using biotransformation. Human hepatocytes were suspended at 1.5 million cells/ml. Termination time points = 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 min; n = 3/time point. Clint, app values were calculated from averaged AUC0–∞ extrapolated data. Batch 1: pooled lots AGR, FKM, EHI, TDH, and ZFB; batch 2: lot RTH.

DrugMetabolic PathwaysClint, appfm(AO)
Batch 1Batch 2
No Hydralazine25 μM Hydralazine50 μM HydralazineNo Hydralazine25 μM Hydralazine50 μM HydralazineBatch 1aBatch 2b
μl · min1 · 106 cells1
PF-0945863AO, N-demethylation23.9N.C.N.C.24.811.59.61N.C.0.61
ZaleplonAO, N-deethylation11.53.473.0810.96.954.820.700.56
ZoniporideAO, hydrolysis22.07.975.0818.312.98.160.640.55
DACAAO, N-demethylation55.525.921.251.722.612.60.530.76
CarbazeranAO, glucuronidation73.937.827.
PropranololHydroxylation, glucuronidation3051981792942452360.350.20
NaloxoneHydroxylation, glucuronidation56.952.954.548.357.456.90.07N.D.
  • N.C., Clint, app in the presence of hydralazine could not be calculated because the slope of the ln[C] versus time curve was not statistically different from zero, which precluded a reliable measurement; N.D., not determined; —, compound not run in assay.

  • a fm(AO) was determined using 25 μM hydralazine data.

  • b fm(AO) was determined using 50 μM hydralazine data.

  • c Data from Gorski et al. (1994).