Pharmacokinetic parameters of ertugliflozin and total radioactivity after a single 25-mg oral dose of [14C]-ertugliflozin to healthy male subjects (N=6)

ParameteraErtugliflozinTotal 14C
Cmax (ng·ml−1)b490.2 (14)734.4 (12)
Tmax (hours)1.00 (0.500-1.05)1.02 (1.00-2.00)
AUC(0-last) (ng·−1)b2787 (21)6223 (19)
AUC(0-∞) (ng·−1)b2802 (21)6441 (19)
t1/2 (hours)16.87 (43)17.25 (61)
  • a Geometric mean (geometric % CV) values depicted for Cmax and AUC; arithmetic mean (% CV) noted for t1/2 and median (range) noted for Tmax.

  • b Units for radioactivity parameters are ng-equiv·ml−1 (Cmax) or ng-equiv.h·ml−1 (AUC).