Parameter inputs and assumptions used in perpetrator mechanistic static mathematical model predictions of dabrafenib DDI

Parameter InputValuesDefinition of Inputs
Cmaxssa (μM)
Protein Bindingb99.796.399.9
Liver:Plasma Ratioc15: 116.5: 116.8: 1
Dose150 mg (twice daily)
ka0.03 min-1dRate of inhibitor absorption
Fa1Fraction of inhibitor absorbed in blood
Qh1,617 ml/mineLiver blood flow
Fa1Fraction of inhibitor absorbed into the enterocyte
Qg300 ml/mineEnterocytic blood flow
Kdeg,h0.000413 kdeg.minfDegradation rate of the hepatic enzyme
Kdeg,g0.000561 kdeg/mingDegradation rate of the intestinal enzyme
Indmax (Ψ)26.9
IndC501.6 μM
  • a Steady-state Cmax values obtained from (Ouellet et. al., 2013).

  • b Protein binding data measured separately.

  • c Liver:plasma ratio determined from QWBA measured separately.

  • d Obach et al., 2006.

  • e U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2012.

  • f Quinney et al., 2010.

  • g Yang et al., 2008.

  • h Borges et al., 2005.