Enzyme kinetic parameters for glucuronidation of silybin A and silybin B

Enzyme kinetic parameters (Km or S50, Vmax) for glucuronidation of silybin A and silybin B were determined by fitting eq. 4 (Km, Vmax) or eq. 5 (S50, Vmax) to [substrate] versus substrate depletion (silybin A and silybin B) or metabolite formation (monoglucuronide) velocity data using Phoenix WinNonlin. Values represent the parameter estimate ± S.E. Intrinsic clearance (CLint) was calculated as the ratio of Vmax to Km; maximum clearance (CLmax) was calculated using eq. 6.

Enzyme Source
Km or S50VmaxCLint or CLmaxKmVmaxCLint
Silybin A55 ± 9.3a7.6 ± 1.3a0.071a33 ± 5.220 ± 1.10.62
 Monoglucuronide 14.2 ± 0.42.0 ± 0.4
 Monoglucuronide 227 ± 2.919 ± 2.9
Silybin B39 ± 1494 ± 142.481 ± 9.4140 ± 8.51.7
 Monoglucuronide 16.7 ± 1.03.5 ± 0.5
 Monoglucuronide 29.8 ± 1.67.6 ± 1.5
  • –, not determined.

  • a Described best by the Hill equation (eq. 5).