Raloxifene glucuronidation kinetics

Values represent the parameter estimate ± S.E obtained by fitting the Michaelis–Menten equation (eq. 1) to metabolite (R4G or R6G) formation velocity using Phoenix WinNonlin software (version 6.3). CLint is calculated as the ratio of Vmax to Km.

Enzyme SourceR4GR6G
µMpmol/min per mgµl/min per mgµMpmol/min per mgµl/min per mg
HIMs0.81 ± 0.11750 ± 229300.84 ± 0.1478 ± 2.993
HLMs3.0 ± 0.73850 ± 532906.5 ± 0.73310 ± 9.748
UGT1A14.3 ± 0.5188 ± 2.7203.6 ± 0.3992 ± 2.426
UGT1A85.5 ± 0.48550 ± 141001.5 ± 0.17110 ± 2.973
UGT1A100.87 ± 0.081100 ± 2812600.96 ± 0.08130 ± 3.1140