MM/GBSA binding free energies for CYP2C9 dimers

Calculated binding free energies for top-scored interactions predicted by GRAMM-X for 1R9O bound to CPR, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP3A4. Values in parentheses are standard deviations. All values are based on at least 50 snapshots from a single trajectory spaced by 10 ps to avoid correlation between models.

Energy ComponentCPRCYP2D6CYP2C9CYP3A4
VDW−124.2 (6.9)223.9 (9.9)−157.5 (6.4)−115.7 (6.15)
EEL−500.0 (43.2)−88.9 (28.3)−224.3 (34.6)−238.0 (35.3)
EGB548.2 (38.9)249.8 (28.7)332.9 (33.5)324.7 (32.6)
ESURF−17.23 (0.8)−28.2 (1.2)−20.6 (0.7)−14.5 (0.6)
ΔG (gas)−624.3 (42.0)−312.7 (32.8)−381.8 (34.8)−353.7 (35.3)
ΔG (sol)531.0 (38.7)221.6 (28.0)312.4 (33.3)310.2 (32.7)
ΔG (total)−93.26 (6.9)−91.1 (8.2)−69.4 (5.9)−43.5 (6.28)
  • ΔG (gas), VDW + EEL; ΔG (sol), EGB + ESURF; ΔG (total), ΔG (gas) + ΔG (sol); ΔG (total), binding free energy [(ΔG complex) – (ΔG receptor + ΔG ligand)]; EEL, electrostatic energy; EGB, electrostatic contribution to the solvation free energy calculated by the generalized Born approach; ESURF, nonpolar contribution to the solvation free energy calculated by an empirical model; VDW, van der Waals contribution from the molecular mechanical energy.