Percentage of inaccuracy, AFE, and RMSE of IVIVE predictions for BDDCS class 1 and class 2 drugs

SystemNumber of Class 1 DrugsNumber of Inaccurate Class 1 PredictionsAFERMSENumber of Class 2 DrugsNumber of Inaccurate Class 2 PredictionsAFERMSE
Brown et al. (2007)
 Hepatocytes2414 (58.3)3.0294.51211 (91.7)7.411,335.9
Hallifax et al. (2010)
 Microsomes4230 (71.4)5.24521.72220 (91.0)4.71834.4
 Hepatocytes5536 (65.5)4.03976.53022 (73.3)3.7466.1
Ito and Houston (2005)
 Microsomes3227 (84.4)6.8390.81615 (93.8)11.22312.3
McGinnity et al. (2004)
 Hepatocytes3216 (50.0)1.199.395 (55.6)3.090.9
Obach (1999)
 Microsomes (fub and fuinc)207 (35.0)1.94.696 (66.6)3.25.4
 Microsomes (fub)2013 (65.0)3.76.999 (100.0)6.06.7
 Microsomes (no binding)207 (35.0)1.24.096 (66.7)2.54.8
Riley et al. (2005)
 Microsomes2416 (66.7)2.72399.1119 (81.8)6.02298.5
 Hepatocytes2816 (57.1)2.4175.72218 (81.8)3.82125.8
 Hepatocytes (serum)88 (100.0)9.6251.066 (100.0)64.23232.0