Summary of human P450 splice variants

Enzyme FamilyTranscript SizeExonsAmino AcidsMol. WeightVariant RNAsSNPsDisease LinksRatio of Viable Protein
Gene no.NucleotideskDaTotal no.Total no.Total
CYP1 (3)2683–59883–7512–54358.2–60.849a10522030.64b (31)
CYP2 (16)1681–50245–9491–59655.7–67.6281118534130.50 (141)
CYP3 (4)1604–216713–14502–53457.1–61.31203029930.47 (56)
CYP4 (12)1678–33955–16505–63859.1–71.31709725370.53 (90)
CYP5 (1)20931359466.930527460.48 (14)
CYP7 (2)2765–29506504–50657.7–58.343688350.80 (3)
CYP8 (2)3974–56321–10501–52758.1–59.591752160.77 (7)
CYP11 (3)2311–35589503–52157.6–60.1521807740.57 (30)
CYP17 (1)2001850857.413179310.57 (7)
CYP19 (1)44791050357.9472178450.57 (27)
CYP20 (1)18111347053.421130810.54 (11)
CYP21 (1)21531049556.03091350.52 (16)
CYP24 (1)32661251458.917711190.46 (8)
CYP26 (3)1569–45366–7497–52256.2–57.523858220.68 (16)
CYP27 (3)2579–51178–9372–53142.6–60.2551582580.58 (32)
CYP39 (1)26231246954.115217920.50 (8)
CYP46 (1)21861550056.81195270.57 (6)
CYP51 (1)2817686098.01838820.65 (12)
Total 571569–56321–16372–86042.6–98.096548,38410970.534 (515)
  • a Total number of variant RNA transcripts represents the total of all nonredundant transcripts identified for human P450 forms in the AceView, Ensembl, and PubMed databases. Transcripts with the same predicted protein molecular weight (in kDa) with a fewer than four base-pair differences in nucleotide transcript length were considered the same transcript. Data for SNPs was obtained from, and Disease Links were obtained from the

  • b Ratio of viable protein represents the fraction of human P450 variant transcripts predicted to code functional proteins using the highest confidence scoring metrics for the AceView (very good) and ENSEMBL (Protein coding/merged Ensembl/Havana). Total number of predicted variant proteins indicated in parenthesis.