Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics for CYP17A1 with nonsteroidal inhibitors orteronel and (S)-seviteronel

CYP17A1/Racemic OrteronelCYP17A1/(S)-seviteronel
Data Collection
 BeamlineSSRL 7-1SSRL 12-2
 Space GroupP212121P212121
 Cell Dimensions (Å)90.17, 153.20, 168.1290.95, 153.50, 169.04
 Molecules/asymmetric unit44
 Resolution (Å)a39.28–2.20 (2.32–2.20)39.44–3.10 (3.27–3.10)
 Total reflectionsa871,993 (125,334)142,288 (20,014)
 Unique reflectionsa118,993 (16,928)43,069 (6096)
 Redundancya7.4 (7.4)3.3 (3.3)
Rpima0.053 (0.608)0.087 (0.579)
  [I/σ(I)]a14.0 (1.6)8.4 (1.6)
 Completeness (%)a99.8 (99.0)98.5 (96.5)
 Resolution (Å)39.29–2.2039.44–3.10
 Number of reflections117,96442,930
 R/Rfree (%)20.13/24.8619.51/24.80
Ramachandran (%)
Number of atoms/B factors (Å2)
 RMSD bond (Å)0.0050.004
 RMSD angle (°)0.6180.810
 Coordinate error (maximum likelihood based) (Å)0.280.44
  • RMSD, root-mean-square deviation; SSRL, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.

  • a Statistics for highest resolution shell are shown in parentheses.