Multivariate regression analysis of human cytosol 25OHD3 3-sulfonation activity

Characteristicβ-Coefficient in Full ModelaSignificance in Full Model, P ValueVariability Explained, R2b
Fully adjusted model2.2 × 10−160.47
rs296361 (additive effect)0.50 ± 0.104.8 × 10−7
Sex (reference: male)−0.11 ± 0.100.27
Age (years)−0.004 ± 0.0030.10
Ethnicity (reference: white)−0.28 ± 0.320.37
Liver bank (reference: University of Washington)−1.59 ± 0.142.0 × 10−16
Storage time (months)−0.03 ± 0.017.1 × 10−3
  • a Variability in the log liver cytosolic 25OHD3 sulfonation rate explained by predictors in a multiple linear regression is shown. A subset (n = 226) of the overall dataset (n = 258) was included; 32 samples were excluded because of missing age. The significance of the association of each variable with the log 25OHD3 sulfonation rate is indicated by the P value and was determined using a likelihood ratio test. Values are β-coefficients ± S.E. from a multiple linear regression model. β-coefficients were determined as the change in the log 25(OH)D3 sulfonation rate (in picomoles per minute per milligram) per unit change in the predictor variable, when all other predictor variables were held constant.

  • b The goodness of fit of a multiple linear regression, on a scale of 0–1, as reflected in the R2 value for the fully adjusted model of the log 25(OH)D3 sulfonation rate as the outcome variable and all predictors in the table (rs296361, sex, age in years, ethnicity, liver bank, and duration of tissue storage in months) is shown. Reference groups for categorical variables are shown in parentheses.