Pharmacokinetic parameters of [11C]DPV after intravenous administration in control and rifampicin subjects

CLuptake, liver, CLuptake, kidneys, VE, liver, and VE, kidneys were calculated from eq. 1, and CLint, bile was obtained from eq. 2. Values are the mean ± S.D. (n = 6), unless otherwise indicated. The unit of clearance determined by the integration plot analysis was converted using the body weight, liver weight, and kidney weight in Supplemental Table 1.

ControlRifampicin TreatedRifampicin Treated/Control (%)
AUC0‒60 min, blood (%dose⋅min per milliliter)0.103 ± 0.0200.180 ± 0.061**174.8
AUC0‒60 min, liver (%dose⋅min per gram of tissue)1.02 ± 0.110.263 ± 0.034***25.8
AUC0‒60 min, kidney (%dose⋅min per gram of tissue)0.656 ± 0.1970.906 ± 0.259138.1
CLuptake, liver (ml/min per kilogram)11.4 ± 4.05.18 ± 3.81**45.4
VE, liver (ml/kg)4.45 ± 0.634.07 ± 0.8491.5
CLuptake, kidney (ml/min per kilogram)7.83 ± 3.265.72 ± 3.8073.1
VE, kidneys (ml/kg)5.49 ± 0.675.44 ± 0.4799.1
CLint, bile (ml/min per kilogram)0.221 ± 0.0830.129 ± 0.091*58.4
  • AUC0‒60 min, blood, AUC for blood from 0 to 60 min; AUC0‒60 min, kidney, AUC for kidney from 0 to 60 min; AUC0–60 min, liver before AUC for liver from 0 to 60 min; VE, kidneys, VE in the kidneys; VE, liver, VE in the liver.

  • * P < 0.05;

  • ** P < 0.01;

  • *** P < 0.0001, statistical significance was tested by Student’s two-tailed paired t test.