Pharmacokinetic parameters of 4-ME and 4-ME-G in wild-type, Bcrp1−/−, and Mrp2−/− FVB mice after i.v. injection of 2 mg/kg (10.41 μmol/kg) 4-ME

Data are presented as means ± S.D. (n = 5); unpaired Student’s t test was used to analyze the data.

AUC0–t (min • μmol/l)50.40 ± 10.4875.22 ± 14.0882.45 ± 21.1653.66 ± 13.56161.98 ± 32.97*174.35 ± 34.12
AUC0–∞ (min • μmol/l)57.66 ± 11.1384.70 ± 15.9789.99 ± 25.3155.08 ± 13.80162.83 ± 33.01*175.29 ± 33.66*
T1/2 (min)410.00 ± 249.10329.55 ± 153.4093.86 ± 28.4096.00 ± 51.3658.16 ± 12.0030.27 ± 7.64
MRT (min)169.63 ± 39.07160.18 ± 27.2583.30 ± 20.0545.81 ± 4.7243.37 ± 5.1633.58 ± 6.89
Vd (l/kg)61.44 ± 21.0844.9 ± 10.7119.48 ± 8.07*N/A
CL (l/min per kilogram)0.12 ± 0.040.09 ± 0.030.10 ± 0.02
M/P AUC ratios0.961.921.95
Embedded Image22.2845.7022.97
  • M/P AUC ratios, the AUC0–∞ ratio of 4-ME-G to 4-ME; T1/2, half-life.

  • * P < 0.05 indicates a statistically significant difference between wild-type FVB mice and Bcrp1−/− mice (or Mrp2−/− mice).