Comparison of CYP and accessory protein (P450 oxidoreductase, POR; cytochrome B5A, CYB5A) abundance in liver microsomes from four different dog breeds and 13 mixed-breed dogs

Shown are the median and interquartile range (25%–75%) for each breed and mixed-breed dogs and the results of ANOVA on rank-transformed data. In instances where ANOVA results were significant (P < 0.05), Dunn’s test was used to isolate breed groups that were significantly different from each other in the abundance of that protein.

Liver Microsome Abundance [Median (25%–75%) pmol/mg Protein]
ProteinResearch Hounds (N = 12)Research Beagles (N = 25)Mixed-Breed Dogs (N = 13)Chihuahuas (N = 4)Greyhounds (N = 5)ANOVA (P Value)Dunn’s Test (P < 0.05)
CYP1A10.2 (0.0–1.0)0.0 (0.0–3.9)1.6 (0.2–4.9)1.6 (1.0–2.4)0.8 (0.2–1.5)0.39
CYP1A253 (42–66)72 (54–107)61 (37–98)65 (43–85)48 (44–74)0.35
CYP2A1313 (11–16)8.6 (5.6–13.5)6.5 (4.3–9.3)9.3 (3.4–16.1)16 (15–17)0.043
CYP2A255.4 (4.1–6.0)8.2 (6.5–11.2)9.8 (6.8–10.8)11.6 (7.9–14.5)6.8 (4.8–7.6)0.008
CYP2B11120 (112–129)78 (67–101)45 (37–72)40 (37–47)30 (28–31)<0.0001a,b,c,d
CYP2C2140 (36–44)58 (50–77)50 (47–56)48 (43–54)47 (39–48)0.006e
CYP2C41f7.8 (7.1–10.3)5.0 (2.0–9.4)
CYP2D15167 (140–186)127 (100–181)138 (112–148)136 (115–167)131 (118–135)0.16
CYP2E168 (59–76)72 (59–84)67 (62–80)72 (53–88)97 (81–99)0.35
CYP3A12145 (130–174)118 (108–139)93 (70–127)117 (107–132)91 (87–144)0.031a
CYP3A265.2 (4.5–6.2)3.0 (2.2–4.3)3.2 (2.6–5.2)3.1 (2.2–3.9)2.1 (0.6–3.0)0.002c
POR40 (36–42)42 (33–49)41 (28–51)39 (36–43)32 (30–35)0.44
CYB5A436 (393–458)464 (425–506)402 (381–429)427 (380–442)382 (328–459)0.09
  • a Research hounds vs. mixed-breed dogs.

  • b Research hounds vs. Chihuahuas.

  • c Research hounds vs. greyhounds.

  • d Research Beagles vs. greyhounds.

  • e Research hounds vs. research Beagles.

  • f Note that the results given for CYP2C41 are for the 12 dogs that express at least one copy of the CYP2C41 gene (six research hounds, four Beagles, one mixed-breed, and one Chihuahua).