Quantification of the major radioactive components in urine, feces and bile extracts following intravenous or oral administration of [14C]nemiralisib

Mean % Matrix Radioactivity (Mean % Dose)
Urine Oral 6-Subject poolFecesBile Intravenous 6-Subject pool
ID6-Subject pool6-Subject pool
P (nemiralisib)43.3 (2.2)13.2 (6.8)41.0 (21.6)52.4
M311.9 (0.6)NDNDND
M1(GSK2330979) and/or M914.7 (0.8)8.3 (4.3)14.7 (7.8)a 1.8 (1.0)b12.1
M6 and/or M7ND8.8 (4.6)4.4 (2.3)6.3
M14 and/or M157.6 (0.4)12.8 (6.6)2.0 (1.1)7.4
Total radioactive material assignedc77.4 (4.0)43.1 (22.3)63.9 (33.7)78.1
% Administered dose in matrix poold5.251.772.1N/A
Total % dose excreted in matrixe5.6651.779.5N/A
  • a M1 (GSK2330979).

  • b M9.

  • c Total radioactive material assigned is the sum of the % matrix radioactivity (and % dose) for all identified metabolites in the analyzed pool.

  • d % Administered dose in the matrix pool represents approximately ≥90% of the radioactivity excreted via that route and is quoted for all matrices other than bile. Bile string collection is not quantitative.

  • e Total % dose excreted in matrix is the mean figure from the ADME study.