Peptide sequences and MS parameters for AOX and ALDH1A signature peptides selected for protein quantification using LC-MS/MS

Labeled amino acids in the SIL-peptides are shown as italicized letters. SIL-peptides of AOX and ALDH1A1 were labeled with [13C615N2]arginine and [13C615N2]lysine, respectively. ALDH1A2 and ALDH1A3 were not detected in any HLS9 samples used in this study.

PeptidePrecursor Ion (m/z)Fragment Ion (m/z)DP (V)CE (V)
AOXVFFGEGDGIIR605.3963.5, 816.48017
VFFGEGDGIIR610.3973.5, 826.48017
ALDH1A1ANNTFYGLSAGVFTK795.41042.6, 879.512020
ANNTFYGLSAGVFTK799.41050.6, 887.512020
ALDH1A2ILELIQSGVAEGAK714.4846.4, 959.512030
ALDH1A3EEIFGPVQPILK685.4851.5, 794.58134
  • CE, collision energy; DP, declustering potential; V, voltage.