Relative contributions of cytochrome P450 enzymes to tropifexor oxidative metabolism in HLM using cytochrome P450–selective chemical inhibition

EnzymeInhibitionCLintExperimental fmCorrected fmCYPaNormalized fmCYPb
ml/h per mg protein%
No inhibition0.223
CYP2C8Montelukast (2 µM)0.14534.912.815
CYP2C9Sulfaphenazole (5 µM)0.2096.07−1.160c
CYP3AKetoconazole (1 µM)0.057774.172.685
  • aExperimental fmCYP was corrected with inhibitor crossreactivity as described in the Materials and Methods. bCorrected fmCYP was normalized to a total of 100%.

  • cNegative fmCYP values after correction were considered to be analytical artifacts and set as 0.