X-ray data collection and refinement statistics for P450/ligand structures.

CYP1A1/(S)-ICT2700 (6UDL)CYP1A1/(S)-ICT2726 (6UDM)
Data collection
 Space groupP212121P3121
 Cell dimensions (Å)65.37, 196.15, 237.22241.28, 241.28, 125.30
 Molecules/asymmetric unit44
 Resolution (Å)a50.00–2.85 (2.90–2.85)39.64–3.07 (3.14–3.07)
 Total reflectionsa510,182 (17,794)783,762 (35,174)
 Unique reflectionsa72,081 (3,422)77,258 (3,944)
 Redundancya7.1 (5.2)10.1 (8.9)
 Rpima0.080 (0.942)0.054 (0.631)
 <I/σ(I)> a28.0 (2.1)9.7 (1.6)
 CC1/2a0.990 (0.322)0.997 (0.518)
 Completeness (%)a99.8 (97.3)99.0 (85.6)
 Resolution (Å)48.799–2.85039.64–3.10
 No. reflections71,70976,831
 R/Rfree (%)23.8 / 28.720.1 / 22.1
 Ramachandran (%) favored/allowed/outliers96.19 / 3.81/ 0.0097.15 / 2.85 / 0.00
 No. non-H atoms/B factors (Å2)
  Protein15,015 / 68.6015,026 / 80.62
  Ligand54 / 57.62104 / 80.66
  Heme172 / 57.09172 / 68.49
  CHAPS—/—42 / 100.77
  Water1 / 49.31—/—
 RMSD bond (Å)0.0080.007
 RMSD angle (°)0.7650.636
 Coordinate error (Å)0.370.37
  • CC1/2, Pearson correlation coefficient; <I/σ(I)>, average intensity over variation in intensity; R, measure of error between the observed intensities from the diffraction pattern and the predicted intensities calculated from the model; Rfree, measure of error between the observed diffraction pattern intensities from the diffraction pattern and the predicted intensities for a subset of data not used in model refinement; RMSD, root mean square deviation; Rpim, precision-indicating merging R factor

  • a Statistics for highest resolution shell shown in parentheses.