Index by author
February 01, 1995; Volume 23,Issue 2
Tarloff, J B
- You have accessContribution of oxidation and deacetylation to the bioactivation of acetaminophen in vitro in liver and kidney from male and female Sprague-Dawley rats.C A Mugford and J B TarloffDrug Metabolism and Disposition February 1995, 23 (2) 290-294;
Thompson, W J
- You have accessMetabolism of L-689,502 by rat liver slices to potent HIV-1 protease inhibitors.S K Balani, S M Pitzenberger, M S Schwartz, H G Ramjit and W J ThompsonDrug Metabolism and Disposition February 1995, 23 (2) 185-189;
Tod, M
- You have accessTime- and dose-dependent kinetics of all-trans-retinoic acid in rats after oral or intravenous administration(s).S el Mansouri, M Tod, M Leclerq, O Petitjean, G Perret and M PorthaultDrug Metabolism and Disposition February 1995, 23 (2) 227-231;
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